Collaboration beer brewed to celebrate a new era.

By Derrell Winowich on 1/24/2015

Yesterday marked a new and significant accomplishment for the business of craft beer in Alabama. Commercial brewery and brewpub members of the Aalabama Brewers Guild formulated a collaborative effort into a commerative beer for statewide release in March of this year. 

The effort marked the first time so many breweries in Alabama have come together on a collaboration and in doing so, have set a new standard of cooperation in the new Alabama craft beer scene.

Good people Brewing in Birmingham, AL hosted the brewday and provided everyone the opportunity to participate. 

The brew, set to be released in March as part of a statewide effort to expand the education of Alabamians into what the industry of craft beer production has to offer, will be a hearty stout. Coming in around 7% ABV and utilizing malt and yeast produced here in Alabama, it should prove to be a hit.

St Stephens stout will debut at Eat Drink Birmingham.

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